3 More Essential Tips for Poker Beginners

By Robbie Strazynski
November 30, 2018

A few days back, we published a basic strategy piece listing some of the most fundamental tips for poker beginners. The fact is that if more people are to come and try poker, say those who already play online casino games, they’ve got to be able to find suitable instructional material; i.e., the ABCs of poker.

So, what are the next steps after learning the hand rankings, positions and rules, understanding that you ought to be playing for low stakes, and implementing a tight strategy? Well, you’ve landed on the right article!

At this point, you might start thinking: OK, it’s time to try and realize some profits. After all, iall it takes is luck if you want to try and win big at a place like Novibet casino online, but if you want to win more often than you lose at the poker tables, you’ll need to start working on your skills, and getting better than your opponents. Luck still plays a part, but skill separates the long-term winners from the long-term losers. So, here are another three essential tops for the poker beginners out there.

beginners guide to poker

Leave Emotions Aside and Play When You Are Feeling Good

It’s human nature to have emotional swings. Sometimes we feel great, other times less great. When you are sitting at the poker table, you are not immune to emotional swings, as the turn of a card can sometimes send you into a fit of rage or, alternatively, ecstatic delight. Generally speaking, it’s best to try and leave emotions out of your gameplay, focusing on mathematical calculations, using your table position, and carefully considering how other players are playing against you. Be aware of your emotional state and if you’re not on your A-game, consider waiting a bit before taking a seat at the felt.

Don’t Play for Too Long

You might be on your A-game, but you’re not a robot; that supreme level of concentration and skill can’t be maintained indefinitely. When you start feeling tired, or that you notice you’re making mistakes (even minor ones), either take a short break during the session, or quit altogether. Playing tired is never a great idea, and when you start to wear down physically or mentally, it’s time to rack up your chips and head for the cashier. That’s in cash game play, of course. If you’re going to be playing in a tournament, be sure to get a good night’s sleep before you begin, so your body and mind are well rested going into a full day of play.

Make Sure You’re Playing at the Right Table

That’s not a call to check your tournament table assignment (you don’t really have a choice in that situation), but rather to game select well at the cash tables. You might be the 10th-best poker player in the world, but if you’re sitting at a table with the nine players better than you, you’ll be in for a rough time. Do your best to ensure that you’re playing against opponents of similar or lesser skill level. Generally speaking, that’s where the most money is to be made. Moreover, lesser-skilled players will usually be found playing at lower-stakes tables. If you take your seat and within an orbit are feeling outclassed, you should already start considering a table change request.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]


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