Interview with Adam Pliska

By Robbie Strazynski
April 09, 2017

World Poker Tour CEO Adam Pliska was kind enough to block out a ton of time for me in his extremely busy schedule to allow me to conduct an in-depth interview with him. I had put a lot of time and effort into the research and my questions and I feel it really paid off in spades, as I was able to dig up a lot of fascinating information and stories from Adam. We talked about his role as CEO of the WPT of course, but we also covered his personal life and the twists and turns on his career path that eventually led him to the top of one of poker’s most prestigious organizations.

Adam is a very unique and special person; incredibly down-to-earth, humble, and genuine – always shining the spotlight on others; so impressive. It was an absolute privilege to get to know him better and spend some time with him in person.

Enjoy the video, below, with a transcript included as well.

Interview Transcript

So, Mr. President, I understand in the 3 months since leaving office you’ve taken up poker full-time; is that correct?

Yeah, well, I mean, I went and did something much more fun than running the country.

There you go. Well, OK, this is NOT former President Barack Obama, neither am I Dean Cain… Actually, I’m Robbie Strazynski here for and I’m here with Adam Pliska, the CEO of the World Poker Tour. Adam, it’s a pleasure to meet you for the first time, thank you for your time.

It’s a pleasure to meet you, thank you very much.

So I think most people know who you are; you’re front and center at one of the most premier companies in the poker industry. It seems like you’ve been with the World Poker Tour forever, and you kind of have: almost 15 years, right?

Sure, sure, yeah.

How did you start with the company, 15 years ago?

Well, I was actually offered a job at the Senate Judiciary Committee, I was a lawyer, so I was over there and was preparing to take a job and my friend started this poker tour that had no TV distribution. And they were out taping these shows, and I used to call him every once in a while and I’d say, “Are you doing that scam where you’re taping these shows, but you don’t have any TV distribution?” ‘cause we were both in the TV business, so. And he said, “No, we’re going to get distribution; we’re going to get it.”

So after a while he called me and he said, “Hey, could you come over for like three weeks to help out with the legal stuff?” And I said “Sure, yeah, yeah, that’s fine, I can do this before I go take this job.” And three weeks turned into three months; I didn’t end up taking the job at the Senate Judiciary Committee, and instead, you know, it’s like all of poker, it sucks you in. Then they wanted to go public, and I helped in that process and served as the GC for quite a long time.

Before we get into the poker stuff, let’s find out exactly who Mr. Adam Pliska is, dive a little deeper. We did a little digging, and we found out that you’re the youngest of three siblings, your father was a sheriff and your mother was a homemaker. What was it like growing up in the Pliska household?

Well, my sisters were much older than I was, so it was, they were—and married early, so they were out of the house by the time I was eight and ten years old, but you know my father indeed was a sheriff and my grandfather was captain of the Newport Police Department, so you do have that sense of… you know, when your parents are civil servants, you don’t take vacations on jet airplanes. I assure you, your vacations are where your car goes. But it does give you something that’s really nice: It gives you a sense of humility.

And so, now with the World Poker Tour, we’re at 60 events, we’re all over the world, I sometimes hear people who will complain, “Oh, I’ve got to go travel this way,” or “they ask me,” “does it exhaust you,” you know, we have the office in Beijing, we have the office in London. And to me, every day feels like I hit the jackpot. Because when you grew up, you know, and you had humble expectations, it’s just, it’s wonderful. So, humility is a great way to be grounded.

Well, that’s certainly genuine. We don’t often get to speak so openly with CEOs, so again, I certainly see it. You developed a passion for music when you were growing up, and you played three instruments, I believe: the piano, cello, and violin. So, first of all, holy crap, that’s incredible! How on earth did you do that? That’s a lot of work that it takes to do something like that. And you taught yourself, right?

Well, we had a—I taught myself. We had a violin that was my grandmother’s or something, and I wanted to take piano lessons but we couldn’t afford piano lessons. So I played the violin, which is, it’s pretty easy to understand the notes once you figure it out. And from then on, I had a little piano and I taught myself to go from there, but what I did, and this was my teaching technique, when I was a kid, for teaching myself piano.

Most kids are playing the scales and all of the things that bore kids to death so that when they’re adults they say “Oh, I’ll never play piano again.” But I said, “I am going to play a classic song as my Number 1 song.” So what I did is I said, “I will just learn one note a day, if I have to. Or two notes. And every day I will practice.” So the first song, complete song I ever did, was Stormy Weather. And I just, it took me forever, right?

Wow. But you learned from nothing.

Yes, but one day at a time, you just keep it—and then when you finish a complete song, you’ve learned quite a lot.

Well, did you ever do any recitals, or be part of like a band with these instruments?

Well, I was in school, in school I was in the orchestra. I was in a band, I tried to play the trumpet and it just did not translate.

I guess three instruments is the limit.

But I could march! I could march, and so they still had me go to all the places, ‘cause I could march, but I wasn’t making a sound, or I was making terrible sounds.

Gotcha. Well, one of the other things you did besides music when you were younger, you commentated as a field announcer at Orange High School’s baseball and football games. Was that one of those “couldn’t make the team, but still wanted to be involved” sort of things, or did you actually want to do the announcing?

Well, I definitely couldn’t make the team, that’s true. I was very good at—I played water polo, and I just went back to my high school alumni water polo game, and I’m the next—there was a guy, he was about maybe 10 years younger than I was, but beyond that, the rest of them were more than 20 years younger than I was. But I survived!

You lived to tell about it.

I lived to tell about it; it was great. But the rest of the stuff—I liked sports announcing, because it was so much fun to be in a room, and it didn’t matter what you say, you know, in high school you go “Danananananana!” and people scream and everybody had a good time. So it was a lot of fun, so I did that and baseball and football, I did volleyball, and it was great.

Do you miss it a little bit?

Yeah, you know, it’s fun to be in front of a live audience. The other thing is I had a little, I had a small business that printed sportswear for the team, so it gave me, that was my marketing.

Nice, already thinking. That’s the little seeds were planted, for sure. Well, you went to USC film school and got into TV production. Here’s a fun fact, everybody, Adam is probably the only person in the entire poker industry who has won an Emmy, for your work on the old Comedy Central game show: Win Ben Stein’s Money. What was that like, working in that stage of your career?

Well, to be honest, they were very nice to remember me. I helped with the development of that show, I went to a guy named Michael Davies with my mentor, Al Burton, to go sell a show called Internet Stew, we were making fun of the Internet at the time, which was a big deal, but the Internet was so slow, nobody wanted that, and the guy said “Ach! I think the Internet is going to take over one day, and it’s going to destroy television; I don’t want to do this.” Prophetic. So he said, “Do you have another show?” and we were working on another show, and it was Win Ben Stein’s Money.

So I was there doing the creative part of that, and then I left to go to Law school, but when they gave out the Emmys that one year, they still put me—they could list five people, and they put me as one of the people in development, it seems, so it was nice. But I’ll give you a little fact that I don’t know that Ben knows, which is—

Really? You watching, Ben?

Which is, the original title for that was “Take David Lee Roth’s Money.”

Ohhhhh! And the secret finally comes out. Interesting. Well, one other famous name obviously associated with that show was Jimmy Kimmel. I believe that he got his start there or something? What was it like working with him in his early career?

Yeah, Jimmy was on radio. I didn’t work with him much, because I had done the development and by the time the show went into production, I then went off to Law school and another, we were young then, so another young man came on to help produce that show, and that was Steve Lipscomb, my friend who started the World Poker Tour.

Ah, the famous Steve Lipscomb. So before we get to the World Poker Tour, you’ve mentioned a few times, “and you went off to become a lawyer.” So we’ve got music, we’ve got announcing, we’ve got TV production… those are humanities; how did you choose to become a lawyer? Like, where did that come from?

Oh, great, profound thought.

No, I’m just kidding you. I’ll tell you what it was: I was helping to produce a show for Tribune in Orlando, in Kissimmee. And my girlfriend at the time said “I’m going to leave you ‘cause I’m tired of waiting for you, I’m going to go to Berkeley,” and being the strong man that I was, I said, “If you go to Berkeley, I’ll go to Berkeley” and she said “What are you going to major in?” and I did the only thing that I could think of, I’m exposed to contracts and stuff.

Interesting, wow. So that’s how he got his start. We’re going to talk about some poker! At the American Poker Awards, you were the inaugural Industry Person of the Year, in 2015. That’s an incredible award to win; I know it’s two years later, but I never got a chance to congratulate you; that’s incredible.

Well, thank you.

It’s obviously a reflection of the work you’ve done to make the WPT brand what it is today. You expanded from a dozen events to you said it’s like 60 or 70 events, between the WPT Deepstacks, you’ve got the main tour, the national tour.

So, with so many events going on now each season, what are your three most favorite and why? What are your best stops, on a personal level?

Well, before I answer that question, I just want to say about the award, you know, at some point in your career you just kind of become a symbol. And I’m really a symbol for a lot of people at the World Poker Tour who work incredibly hard, you know.

I had somebody say to me the other day, “Well, what do you do at the World Poker Tour?” And I said, “I’m the CEO.” “Well, what does that mean?” It was a TSA agent or a customs agent, they’re trying to make sure that I’m going out of the country. And I said, “Well, I’m the CEO.” He said, “Well, what does that mean?” I said, “Well, we put on these poker tourneys.” “You do the tournaments? You do the structure of the tournament?” I said, “Well, I don’t do the structure.” “Are you doing the camera?” “I actually, I don’t do the camera.” He said, “Well, do you sell the sponsorships?” I said, “Well, I don’t sell the sponsorships.” He said “What do you do?” I had to think about it.

You’re like Geppetto, orchestrating everything.

In truth, you’re like, you’re the… you go around and you make sure that everybody’s working together, and you make sure that you’ve selected the best team that you can. And I always say that the WPT, we don’t hire people to manage good times. We hired you because you were the best person to manage chaos and issues when they come up. And we’ve hired those people, and they are hardworking and they’re dedicated, so the chaos gets solved before we have an event like this, and so, winning that award is really just a testament to the amazing work of my team.

Wow. So, I’ll get to that question later, but I have to do a follow-up on that one, I mean, it’s just incredible to me. There’s so many CEOs out there who, you know, they sit at the top of that pyramid, and they just say “OK, well, of course,” and they take credit and it’s just so refreshing and incredible to see someone so down-to-earth and giving the credit where it’s due.

I’ve been walking around here for a few days and some of the most hardworking, incredible people are here. I mean that genuinely. And so kudos to you, sir, for recognizing them like that. That’s really amazing. To get back to our questions, though: What are your three favorite stops on the World Poker Tour?

My three favorite stops are the three next stops that I’m always going to.

Oh, that is the best answer.

But I will say… let’s talk about stops that have been transformative. We had a stop in South Africa. And to be honest, I was so busy that by the time it was time to go to South Africa, and so on the plane I decide, OK, I’m going to listen to the audio thing of Nelson Mandela’s biography, which is one of the greatest biographies ever written. And you go down there, and they’re the most hospitable people in the world. And they take you out on a safari, they take you to the Nelson Mandela House—

Robben Island, right?

You can go to Robben Island, if you want. And you leave thinking, the first thought you think about is, it took nine hundred and fifty thousand hours to get here. After that, you realize, it’s just so transformative. It’s amazing, you go on safari and see all these beautiful animals. And so I think that was one that was very transformative. The next, I would say, are event in Sanya, China.

That’s relatively recent, right?

Yes, for five years we’ve been doing it. And we were the first company to do these events in China, working with the local government there, and when we first did the event, until now, the change has been so interesting, because poker was still relatively new and you’re seeing here a room of champions, and they are acting like champions. But at the beginning, poker in Sanya was more like when you got your drunk buddies over and you’re playing for the first time and the one guy doesn’t know how to play, and they’re screaming and yelling and everything else. And the enthusiasm was great.

On the local level.

Oh, my god, the enthusiasm. You could tell it was a little bit of chaos—it was a lot of chaos—but the enthusiasm was great. And now, every year the professionalism has grown and grown, and the enthusiasm has also blossomed, and you go over there and people ask me all the time about the poker boom, “Oh, when the poker boom…” whatever. And I’m like, the poker boom never stopped, you’ve just got to see where it is.

Well, that’s certainly on the upswing, I would say.

And then I did my… I’m going to name this event here, the Seminole Hard Rock, and particularly last year when we decided we were going to change our championship and we were going to make it a championship of champions. And we got some criticism for that, but of course now you’re telling people they can’t play—of course, before, when you open it up and you say “Come on in, it’s a high buy-in event, come on in,” then you’re kicking and screaming to get people to play.

As soon as you close it, now people are upset that they can’t get in. But when we did that, we made an internal pact that we were going to use this to treat the WPT Champions Club and those champions the way that they should be treated. So we were going to invest every year, we were going to build this up, and we’re still in the process of doing it, but last year, seeing all those champions walk in, and last night at the party, and seeing all those champions—

It was an awesome party, by the way. It was amazing.

It reminds me that we have a duty to make sure that people are playing for more than just an event. Not just for these pros, but for the amateur, because remember, the amateur too can work his way up and get his name on a champion’s cup—he or she on their champion’s cup, I should say—but if that happens, we need to make sure that it’s special. We need to make sure that they’re working for something. So that’s what we’re doing.

I think it adds a tremendous level of prestige, I mean, like you said, you have to earn you way in. Otherwise, like you said, there’s high buy-in events all over the world. It really makes it an exclusive, special—it just adds to the illustriousness of the event. I think it’s a great decision.

OK, well you mentioned a number of people who work with the World Poker Tour. There’s maybe something that ties in to your TV background. There’s Mike Sexton, Lynn Gilmartin, Vince Van Patten, Tony Dunst. And you refer to them by an interesting word, as “the cast” or the “talent”. There’s also the Royal Flush Crew – they’ve auditioned for those roles. The WPT seems to have a different take on poker than a lot of the operators that, you know, they treat everything more from a more purely “poker perspective”, and you guys are more like “This is a show, this is a production.” Where does that outlook come from? It’s incredibly unique in the industry, I think.

Well, so, to me, my background is actually in production, which is, I like to think of us as, we are the storytellers of poker. If we put on a poker event, of course we’re going to make sure that the standards are high. Just like with the television, the technical aspects, sure we spend more money on anything else than that, in that regard—we’re not efficient, but we’re not aiming to be efficient; we’re aiming to have very high production standards. Production’s going to kill me for saying we’re not efficient, because they’re working their tails off, but… Our job, everyone on our staff’s job, is to take care of the narrative. Not only our narrative, about what we want to be, but serving the narrative of every player. Because you’re right, anyone can play in a poker event.

But we have a lot of people who are not pros. We have a lot of people who this might be their birthday gift, or their dream, and they want to come on there. And I can’t guarantee they’re going to make a final table. I can’t guarantee they’re going to cash. What we can guarantee is that you’re going to walk away with a story. You’re going to walk away being with characters that you have come to enjoy and know and some that you’re going to resonate with more than others. You’re going to meet these people that we have taken the time to let you understand the personalities of these pros, so that when you sit at the table with them, that story will go on far longer than your experience at World Poker Tour. You’ll be with your buddies and say, “Oh, yeah, you know what, I was sitting next to Anthony Zinno over here, and let me just tell you, he was this joke, and—”

Actually, I did tell my buddies this last time I saw them.

That’s what we want. We take the storytelling obligation seriously.

The Royal Flush Crew in particular seems to be a very unique set of people.  What exactly is their function, why do they exist as part of the cast of the production of the World Poker Tour?

Because, again, we could put on a poker event, and years ago, that’s what we did. We used to put on poker events, and we would get out of town as soon as the poker event is done. But we’ve come to, as I think you probably saw last night, we really love these guys. I mean, it is just—

They’re more than smiling faces. They’re really cool people.

These are people we want to interact with, and these are people that we want to, you know, we do feel like we have a special connection with. And so the Royal Flush Crew is right on the front lines of getting those interactions. I mean, they will be the ones who will pull the group and out and say, “Come on, you’re coming out with us tonight.” You know what, you want to come to the gym, come out with us and we’re going to go take a run, or we’re going to do this. And those experiences are what bond you, and when you bond with players, you—it’s just like with your own family, you’re always committed to doing something better with your own family. And that’s what the purpose of the Royal Flush Crew is.

I see there’s a whole bunch of logos all over the place. Over the last couple of years you’ve managed to broker deals with big name sponsors like Hublot, Monster, Maui Jim sunglasses, Wyndham Hotels, BBO Poker Tables, and most recently Audi….. obviously this benefits the players with additional prizes, and obviously there’s great brand association for the WPT. But I have an interesting question more on the business side. When you go into those meetings with the executives at those companies, how do you pitch to them? What do you tell them makes the WPT special as a company that THEY would want to associate with?

First of all, we don’t sell them something they’re not looking for, and we don’t sell something that is not compatible with us. We do not accept sponsors—we used to have a sponsorship program that was like many of the other poker companies, it struggled for many years. And at some point we just said, “Stop. We’re not going to look for any sponsors.” We’re going to go back and ask, “What is it that we’re doing wrong?” and “What does it mean to have a sponsor?” and that led to sponsorship program, and I give David Gitter and his team a lot of credit for this, it led to a sponsorship program where we said, “We need to deliver things for sponsors. We need to deliver an integrated experience, we need to deliver good data, we need to deliver—they need to understand what they’re really getting.” So we did that probably in ways that we never imagined before, and you can go in ad nauseum at what we do to make sure that that’s the case.

More innovative, I guess.

Yeah, and you know, when somebody sponsors you, they’re taking a bet on you. So you need to deliver something so that they can go back and say it worked or it didn’t work. And if it didn’t work, for some reason it’s not a good fit, you’ve got to be completely honest. And so what we require with sponsors, you need to have integration with these guys. So we don’t just take a name, put your name up in the back, and say, “This is brought to you by XYZ.”

Oh, no, the products are here, for sure.

And that benefits the players, and they like that, so it’s a good relationship. And it helps with the promotion of the poker, too.

I think it’s really cool to see the involvement, I think it helps grow the game. A lot of people don’t necessarily realize that a lot of online operators, when they put the big events together, they don’t necessarily make money off of it. But you have, as I said before, you’ve expanded from 12 to so many dozens of events. By the looks of things, the players are happy, the sponsors are happy, you guys as a company are happy. What’s the magic sauce that makes it all work?

Well, are you talking from a business side, or just what makes everybody enjoy it?

It doesn’t come together by accident. I feel like there’s that X ingredient from Coca-Cola or something, that intangible thing.

Sure. Well, first of all, the World Poker Tour is actually, it might seem like we’re just producing poker tournaments, but it’s a very complex model, right? How the TV works with the social gaming and how that works with the tournaments and how that works with the sponsors, it’s something that allows you to run a business but you have to be in it for the long term.

Our model, it used to—a long time ago, not so much anymore, I used to have people say, “Oh, I’m starting a poker tournament,” you know, just asking us if we wanted to contribute or if we wanted to do this. And I used to say, “Enjoy!” because what you quickly find is that, if your goal is to get big numbers in a poker tournament, you absolutely can do that in your first year. You might be able to do that in your second year. The question is, will you have a sustained effort to commit to a model that will allow you to have a long-term vision? And only when you commit long-term do you start to plan things five years ahead, six years ahead, seven years ahead. And we have a TV agreement that’s a five-year agreement. So we’re thinking five years ahead.

And that’s not something to take for granted at all, whatsoever. That’s really great. And that’s why you guys have been around for 15 years. That’s really wonderful. Well, back to you, sir. It’s the WORLD Poker Tour, and of course you spend half the year on the road. I’m curious about what your typical day is like during the OTHER half of the year, the other 6 months. What do you do when you’re not on the road?

So, we have offices in Los Angeles and Irvine. My exciting life on the road that people think I have, I probably have a far more tame life than those people expect. But we go into the office, I love going into the office, it’s one of my favorite places to be. The energy is so great.

I hear there’s a poker game once in a while.

There is a poker game every once in a while. They’re all better than I am. And I sort of go into the office, I make sure to do a little exercise every day, I tell the team, it’s something I learned when I was a lawyer—that they don’t tell you as a lawyer, because they don’t want you to do it—never book your schedule 100%. Because the problem with booking your schedule 100% is that you might look like you’re busy—“Oh, I’ve got these meetings, and I’ve got this next meeting”—but it’s like, imagine you were writing an article.

I do that once in a while.

Yes. And imagine you’re so busy that you had no drafts. Your first draft was what you post.

That would be terrifying.

It would be terrifying. And that’s what I find absolutely silly about people saying “Oh, I’m 100% busy.” Because the truth is, you have a meeting, you have a brainstorming session. You need to let it simmer. You need to take a walk. You need to come back and go, “That was a horrible idea!” You need to come back and say, “Guys, we need to come back again.” And so that kind of reflects the culture that we have in which is, don’t kill yourself. You’re not in a… nobody at the World Poker Tour… I have no idea what time they come in or when they leave or whatever, I know that they’re there, I see them. But because they’re committed, but committed to excellence. And that means you can’t take on everything. You’ve got to do time management.

Makes perfect sense. Well, you’re also a Warren Buffet groupie, apparently.

I am.

You go to the annual pilgrimage, the Berkshire Hathaway—their meeting in Nebraska every May. So I’m curious, I mean, they fill up a whole stadium. What are some of the more important lessons you’ve learned from attending that meeting every year, and why do you continue going?

There’s so many great lessons you get in. You know, Warren Buffett said something last year, it’s just so simple but profound, he’s like, you know, when you’re in a hole, stop digging. And it’s those kind of things which are so simple, but you’re like, absolutely right. How many times, when there’s bad news or you have to announce something, you’re scrambling for a reason, and the answers is, you just stop. Just stop what you do. It’s just like, if there’s something wrong, stop. But, why do I go? I really love the environment. And, you know, Warren Buffett lives in this little five-bedroom house.

And obviously, at various times, he’s been the wealthiest person in the world. And you can tell he’s happy. And it reminds you that if you work out of passion, fix your lifestyle—whatever your lifestyle, that you just say, I want to live X life, so that’s it—don’t make that your focus. Make your passion your focus, and it changes your perspective. Because now you’re not trying to fight to say am I getting X amount more, do I achieve X, because that’s—you’ll never win that game. But every day you’ll be appreciative of what you do and the people you work for and the people you work with. And I absolutely am, and when I go there and I’m in rooms with people who could afford everything, they could do anything, but they haven’t forgotten the things that just make them happy.

And to me, that’s, if I had one thing, I just never want to forget what makes me happy. It have very small things. I love reading, I read a lot, you know, small things—exercise, the people that I work with. You don’t lose sight of that, and you’ll always be a rich man.

That’s an incredibly beautiful answer, and it touches me on a very personal level, sir. As we wind down, I want to talk charity for a second. You did a beautiful interview with the Tiger Woods Foundation – it’s an amazing cooperation that you have with them. You’ve been partnered with them for quite a few years, I believe. With all the wonderful charitable organizations out there, why did you choose them? What’s so special about them?

Oh, they are special. I was—one year—we wanted to help—the World Poker Tour can work with foundations to help them build up a—sorry about that—build up some of their awareness. But I was at the first event and I said I wanted more details about what the foundation was doing and the foundation is great, it takes students who often don’t have any resources, they come from families without resources, like 90% of them are first generation to go to college. And if they major in science, math, or engineering, it gives them a full ride to any institution in the U.S. It could be Stanford, Harvard, whatever. And more than that, it gives them guidance. It gives them support.

And I remember, there’s a lot of anti-collegiate discussion these days. And I think a lot of that comes from the exploited use of student loans and how that’s affected the market. But we shouldn’t mix that up with the fact that college, still, has a transformative effect on people who would otherwise not have a chance to be in different stratas. And so it certainly had an amazing effect with me, that and mentoring. And that combines those two things: education and mentoring.

I’m a mentor, I have an incredible mentee who’s at UC San Diego in nanoengineering. And watching her develop and I introduced her to Tiger last year, and just watching her and Tiger talk about nanoengineering, it was just terrific. And we flew all 17 of them out to China last year.

That’s a very cool thing. That’s certainly a great association. And I feel like I’ve taken a lot of your time but I want to end off with one little bit here… a couple of those fun facts about you… apparently, you love sushi and you have an $18 drink named after you, the Pliska. What is that all about, sir?

OK, so, well, yes, at the SLS Hotel in Beverly Hills, I am friends with José Andreas, who’s the incredible chef and James Beard Award winner, and having been there so long, when I think I’d reached my hundredth time or something there, they said they’re going to do a special gift for me, they were going to name a drink after me. So they named a scotch-based cocktail, which was so good that Travel and Leisure came in, one of the years when they did that, and they said “Oh my gosh, this is great,” and they named it one of the three best drinks in America. So they can never take it off the menu.

But it’s one of the most expensive gifts anyone has ever given me, because when I walk in, they say “There’s the guy who it’s named after!” and when that happens, you can’t go, “Well, buy him a drink and him a, don’t buy him a drink,” you’ve got to go “OK, I’ll do it.” So I often tease them, it’s the most expensive gift anyone has ever gotten for me.

Well, I think the next time we meet we’re going to meet for some sashimi and a Pliska. This has been Adam Pliska, the CEO of the World Poker Tour, and you can find him on Twitter @pliska007. I’m Robbie Strazynski and you can follow me on Twitter @cardplayerlife. Thank you everybody for tuning in, this was really, really special, and thank you again so much for your time, sir. I really appreciate it.

Thanks so much. That was fun.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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