Modern Poker Theory Video Packs: A Review

By Shannon Mack
April 26, 2020

If you’ve read Modern Poker Theory by Michael Acevedo, chances are that you want more. At least that’s how I felt after reading the amazing book (see my Modern Poker Theory book review here).

Well, I have great news: The Modern Poker Theory two-part video series (The Essential Guide Pack and Advanced Pack) is now available from D&B Poker! The parts can each be purchased separately, or you can save 15% by purchasing the two-pack.

Modern Poker Theory video pack

The book explains what GTO is, why you should be using it, and what lines are most optimal in every possible scenario. The video series shows how to use the many different GTO solvers so you can begin to visualize optimal lines for yourself. In the videos, Acevedo talks about deliberate practice, which is a special type of practice that is purposeful and systematic. While regular practice might include mindless repetition, deliberate practice requires focused attention and is conducted with the specific goal of improving performance. Acevedo mentions a D&B book called Purposeful Practice For Poker by Dr. Tricia Cardner and Gareth James that goes hand and hand with his Modern Poker Theory book and video series. As the old saying goes, practice makes permanent!

Before watching the video, I had thought that GTO solvers are for pros and geniuses, but after watching the video, I feel like they’re useful even if you’re at an earlier stage of poker prowess.

Acevedo instructs you how to use a number of different GTO solvers; PioSOLVER, MonkerSolver, GTO+, HoldemResource Calculator, and Simple GTO Trainer. He demonstrates how to install the software, discusses the cost and shares which ones, in his opinion, provide the best value. He went above and beyond what I was expecting, even delving into other poker-related software that you can use in unison with the GTO solvers such as Equilab and Flopzilla equity calculators (in many instances, you’ll want to utilize multiple poker software programs simultaneously).

Moreover, Acevedo illustrates how GTO solvers are better than CardRunnersEV as far as tree simplicity, explaining that CardRunnersEV decision trees can get out of hand when you start to include too many options;  in the real world, there are a lot of variables.


This more basic part of the Modern Poker Theory video series includes four videos that discuss:

  • understanding optimal pre-flop ranges
  • equilibrium and GTO solvers
  • PioSOLVER tutorial
  • studying with PioSOLVER

These videos cover everything from understanding poker hands and ranges at a fundamental level to understanding how GTO solvers work, why solvers strategies are important, and how to correctly apply them in-game to learning the basics about PioSOLVER functionality. The final video in this pack has real hands played by Acevedo reviewed using Pio. He explains how to set up each hand from scratch and then how to perform in-depth GTO analysis.

BUY NOW: Purchase the Essential Guide Pack separately for $39


This higher-level segment of the Modern Poker Theory video series discusses GTO Solvers in part 1 (4 Videos), which covers the importance of GTO Solvers and the differences between the various options available. It includes a MonkerSolver Tutorial, GTO+ Tutorial, and PioSolver Advanced Tutorial. In part 2 (3 videos), Acevedo reviews the hand history from a deep run in a $1k PokerStars WCOOP event using PioSolver and other tools. In part 3 (4 videos), we are shown the usefulness of post-flop aggregated analysis and how we can play against the solution using Simple GTO Trainer in regular mode and drills.

BUY NOW: Purchase the Advanced Pack separately for $79.

Detailed Examples of Lessons Learned

Some of my favorite parts of the video series were about the aggregated reports. Post-flop aggregated analysis can be instrumental when you sort the data. Cross-referencing the averages at the bottom of the post-flop aggregated data against someone’s HUD can show where other players have frequency issues that can be exploited. We can see why some boards are better to overbet and why it’s best to check back on others. There are some hands that shouldn’t be overbet on a board that likes to be overbet. A pair of aces doesn’t want to be overbet on an overbet board, for instance, because it blocks the opponent’s AX continuing range. On the other hand, we want to bluff-overbet hands that block their continuing range. Some drawing hands benefit from overbets as well because they can’t win on there own and have equity when called. Side note: we also want to overbet some airballs, too.

I learned so much more, too. Just a sampling:

  • We can use the aforementioned aggregated data lists to compare UTG vs. BB ranges and BTN vs. BB ranges and see what the best lines are IP/OOP on certain board runouts.
  • I also learned how to better defend against a c-bet in the BB against UTG and BTN when they c-bet with various sizes and different boards.
  • We also compare different boards that are good calling boards vs. the BTN overbet and good check-raising boards vs. the BTN overbet, which includes high equity hands and bluffs.

Another favorite GTO solver feature that Acevedo teaches us is how to play against the solution. This option is available using GTO+ and Simple GTO Trainer. Basically, you play against the GTO solver! You get a random hand on a random flop and play against the solver, trying to pick the optimal line. It tells you if you chose correct or incorrect at every decision point.

I can’t think of a better way to practice deliberately. How often do you study hand histories using equity calculators and are still not sure of what the most optimal line is? That is a constant thought in the back of my mind when doing hand analysis. Sure, I calculate pot odds for calling and do break-even formulas for betting, but I am never quite certain if the line is optimal. Well, no more wondering!

All of the aforementioned is just a tiny fraction of what I learned from these amazing videos, my game will never be the same!

SAVE 15%: Buy BOTH Modern Poker Theory Video Packs


The ESSENTIAL GUIDE PACK bonus materials include Modern Poker Theory Pio Charts: NLH Cash and MTT Preflop Charts.

The ADVANCED PACK bonus materials are:

  • Part 2 $1k WCOOP Pio Sims*
  • Part 3- NLH Cash Pio Sims* and CSV Files
  • BB vs BN and BB vs UTG 100bb NLH Cash simulations and 97 flop subset aggregated reports

I would get this entire video series for the aggregated reports alone, not to mention every file with every range Michael used in his MPT book!

Overall Grade: A+

Michael Acevedo is a mythical figure to me now. Before reading his book, I remember thinking to myself that nobody could really find anything more to teach on the subject of poker. It has all been done before. Then, BAM, he does it!

Then, before watching the videos, I remember wondering how the video series could possibly really teach me anything else, as his book Modern Poker Theory literally covered it all. Then, BAM, he goes and does it again!

Michael is an enigma, a real honest to goodness legend!

I am blown away by his video package. With it, I can get a GTO solver that fits my budget, I can program it, and I can study like the pros! After a short time doing some deliberate practice using what I have learned from the Modern Poker Theory video packs, I’m confident that with continued study I will eventually reach the level the pros are at!



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Shannon Mack poker author
Written By.

Shannon Mack

Born in the Midwest in Bemidji, Minnesota, first city on the Mississippi, in 1978 in the disco era. Shannon has fond memories of playing poker during Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays with family as a child in the 80s; everybody was bluffing and nobody was folding! After getting his degree in Mechanical Design from St. Cloud […]

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