On Meeting The Mental Game of Poker Author Jared Tendler in Person

By Robbie Strazynski
November 10, 2013

Longtime fans of Cardplayer Lifestyle know that I’m based in Israel – not exactly the world’s poker hub (to say the least!). Though plenty of poker players and well-known poker personalities traverse the globe on a regular basis, let’s just say that Israel often gets passed over; so it’s a pretty special occasion for me, on a personal level, to get to meet “poker people” face to face.

Robbie Strazynski and Jared Tendler

Me and Jared

I’m currently on a short trip to the States to celebrate my brother’s engagement. In advance of the trip, I let The Mental Game of Poker author Jared Tendler know that I’d be in the New York area, as when we had last been in touch, he had said I should give him a heads-up if I was ever in his neck of the woods. I entered, sat in, and left that meeting with Jared on a tremendous high – and here are the five reasons why:

  • First off, I was thrilled and honored that Jared was so happy to meet with me as well and that the timing worked out despite the relatively brief advance notice I had given him.
  • Second, I’ve already read and reviewed The Mental Game of Poker and am in the process of reading volume 2. If you’ve read my review, you’d see how much I liked the book and recommended it as a “must read” to all poker players. Specifically, aside from having improved my poker game, lessons from the book have helped me improve a few things in my life as well. I was excited to share this with Jared in person.
  • Third, I’ve never gotten anything autographed in person before. Jared was kind enough to indulge this fanboy and also write me a nice dedication.Jared's dedication
  • Fourth, there was a particularly unique poker-related question I had wanted to ask Jared, and I only truly felt comfortable enough doing so in person. He graciously took the time to guide me towards the right and proper mental path in order to try and achieve a solution to my poker problem.
  • Finally, and most importantly, it was so nice to see that Jared was “a regular, normal, flesh and blood guy” – not just a name on a book and a face on a Twitter profile.

Friendly, knowledgeable, and just all-around good-natured, it’s not hard to understand why so many poker pros gravitate towards Jared for mental game counseling. Needless to say, I fully endorse Jared in this respect.

Thanks again Jared for an awesome brunch, and I look forward to finishing The Mental Game of Poker 2 and to seeing your future mental game products debut.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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