Top 5 Reasons Why Poker Rooms Should Spread Low-Limit Mixed Games

By Tim Duckworth
April 07, 2020

Players are sheltered behind a mountain of chips. A stack of game plaques indicates the games in the rotation. While the dealer is pitching more cards then they are accustomed too, players are laughing, sharing stories, and tipping in abundance.

Welcome to the world of low-limit mixed games!

Poker rooms around the world have forever been dominated by hold’em and Omaha, but the rise in popularity of mixed games continues as players are looking for more. They’re not all looking at becoming the next GTO wizard, some are seeking out a fun game to play among friends – or soon to be friends.

Low-limit mixed games are more than just gambling – for that you should head to the best slots casino bonus Canada – they are place to try your luck at new draw and stud poker variants, play an abundance of hands, and enjoy the social atmosphere that all low-limit mixed games provide.

Mixed Games

The rise in popularity of mixed games has unfortunately not been greeted with table space in a lot of poker rooms. Casinos such as the Wynn, South Point, and ARIA in Las Vegas have been players’ first stop to get a mixed game going, and newer rooms like the ones at Westgate and Sahara had occasionally offered them before the COVID-19 shutdown, but it is time for other casinos to follow in their lead and join the mixed game movement. Of course the examples given above are just specific to Las Vegas. It would be wonderful to see the mixed game movement spread beyond the confines of poker’s Mecca. With all that said, here are our top five reasons why more poker rooms should spread low-limit mixed games.

1. Your Dealers Become More Skilled and Versatile

Dealers will always have the basic skills to deal mixed games as they all fall under a flop, draw, or stud variant. However, will they know how to deal 2-7 Drawmaha when it comes up in the rotation? Running mixed games will force dealers to learn these obscure games, and once they have learnt them and begun to understand them, they soon become more skilled and versatile assets for the poker room.

Big O

2. There’s Nothing Better Than Home Field

Mixed game players are a very loyal crew. They’re not just seeking out the best promotions and the softest games, they want to be treated well. Although that may mean good comps and a low rake, it also means that they want all aspects of the game to run smoothly.

When mixed game players are taken care of and are provided with reliable dealers, they won’t have wandering eyes when it comes to the next game. “Same time, new day” is their motto, and having a mixed game locked in for not just hours but sometimes days, means everyone benefits. Waitresses, dealers, and food runners will be taken care of, and the jovial and social vibe that the table oozes attracts eyes from the other tables in the room.

3. New Players Feel Comfortable

When a table in the middle of the poker room has drinks flowing and persistent laughs and jokes, other players are easily lured in to see what’s going on. Although understanding the games can be difficult, new players are quick to feel comfortable once they take a seat as mixed game players are always keen to teach the games.

They all know first-hand what it was like to be the new player and always want players to latch on to these games so the player field grows. Unlike hold’em games where inexperienced players will often be intimidated as players sit round them covered in hoodies, hidden behind sunglasses, or buried under a hat and headphones – mixed games are the complete opposite. Although these new players may leave the game a buck or two lighter from when they sat down, their experience will always be memorable, and a kind word will follow for the poker room.

4. Fill the Gap in Limits

Unlike in hold’em or Omaha where limits are evenly spread out ($1-2, $2-5, $5-10, etc), this is not the case with mixed games. In some Las Vegas casinos there may be a $200-400 mixed game and then a $40-80 mixed game. That’s it.

Casual players can’t jump straight into the $40-80 game, they need limits substantially lower. Spreading $4-8 or $6-12 mixed games are the perfect entry-level for not just casual players, but other poker players looking to try something new. Spreading these lower limits will attract more players and sometimes have a trickle up and down effect. If the poker room normally just runs a $30/60 mixed game but now has a $4/8 and a $8/16 game going, players who can’t sit in the bigger game may drop down in limits while they wait. On the flip side, players who might be running good in the lower limit game might take their shot in the bigger game.

More mixed games will most likely lead to the player pool all congregating in your poker room as that will be the place to find all the mixed game action.

dealer's choice mixed game

Friendly low-stakes mixed game fun in Las Vegas

5. Keep the Staff Happy

You might be surprised to learn this, but the biggest fans of mixed games are often the dealers! Not only can the tips be better in a good game, but they also love to play. Running mixed games in your poker room means that your dealers will often flock to get a seat in the game when they’re done with their shift.

Dealers always tip dealers well, and that rubs off on other players in the game. There’s no need to send your staff to a competitor’s poker room when you can keep them on the property driving the action in your own mixed game while simultaneously helping other businesses in the casino such as food and dining.

In Conclusion

Poker rooms will always spread hold’em and Omaha, but why not stand out and fill the niche market of mixed games?

There is only upside for spreading low-stakes mixed games in your poker room. The dealers become more skilled and versatile, players will respect you for catering to their needs and be incredibly loyal, and new players will have a great first-time experience.

Embrace the mixed game movement and start spreading low-limit mixed games today!



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Tim Duckworth
Written By.

Tim Duckworth

After finding the game of poker while completing his Bachelor of Commerce degree at university, Tim Duckworth’s life took an unexpected turn as he found himself covering his first poker tournament following the 2007 World Series of Poker. That tournament would kickstart his freelance poker journalist career that has seen him travel the entire world […]


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