What Makes a Good Poker Brand Ambassador?
This op-ed by Christian Zetzsche examines the role of online poker room ambassadors.
From celebrities to female players to established poker pros to Twitch streamers to WSOP Main Event winners, ambassadors play a variety of roles. We dive deeper to better understand what makes a good poker brand ambassador.
Here’s What It’s Like to Do Live Reporting on Online Poker
Live poker events are littered with poker reporters standing at the ready to capture the action. In the coronavirus era, with all poker having temporarily moved online, there’s now live reporting of online poker events for the first time.
Christian Zetzsche describes how this new experience working from home is different from the regular gig that has him traversing the globe.
WSOP Postponed: A Live Reporter’s Reflections
The absence of the World Series of Poker this summer means a drastic change for the lives of not only players, but also members of the poker media.
In this op-ed, live reporter Christian Zetzsche reflects on how things will be different this summer, and what he’ll miss most about his annual work at the WSOP.