Which Poker Skills Can Translate to Daily Life?

By Marcus Harmon
September 03, 2020

Like any hobby, what you get out of poker depends on how much you put in. Unlike many other hobbies, however, some of the skills which poker can foster and rely on can be extremely helpful when transferred back into our daily lives. Taking a look at three examples, we want to examine which of these skills can make the most effective jump, and why they hold so much potential.

Math Skills

One of the most fundamental aspects of a good poker player is their ability to quickly calculate odds and outcomes. For a lucky few, this ability might be the result of inbuilt talent or aptitude. For most, quickly calculating probabilities is going to be the result of consistent dedication and hard work.

Developing these skills won’t just be beneficial in terms of direct application of probability theory, it can also help in consolidating greater comfort with mathematical concepts. For many of us, this is an ability which we let atrophy following departures from schooling. This ties into a well-known phenomenon which notes: summer math loss. With poker, you can keep working on this front, stay sharp, and maybe even rediscover some skills long lost.


Keeping Cool

Whether playing poker in person with friends or on any digital service like the live casinos by, there’s always going to be a need to stay relaxed. This is a skill which is necessary for any casino game, but it goes double for any which deal with direct human to human competition, like poker.

When losing a hand, becoming hot-headed is only going to make you more prone to poor decision making. By the same token, becoming too elated following a series of victories can also generate a bias, leading you to overestimate your performance and likely outcomes.

Both of these directions are enormously common in our daily lives, where victories and defeats can have far wider implications than their immediate situations. By practising managing these moments in poker, it can be possible to better acclimate yourself to the feelings they imbue, to transfer them to real-life scenarios.

Teach Patience

Poker is often exciting, but there are also undoubtedly situations where games or players slow the hands to a crawl. In situations like these, balancing concentration while never over-exerting is key. Hardly a simple pursuit, operating in this manner is only possible through experience, in flicking your mind between activity and relaxation.

Master patience on the poker table, and you’ll have a skill which can be modified to fit near infinite other aspects of your regular life. From driving in heavy traffic to filling out reports, managing family members, and more, being able to maintain yourself over long periods is fundamental. There are plenty of helpful guides online to help you in this regard, as illustrated by


Understanding the Process

Nothing worth having comes easy, and this is as true for mental skills and knowledge as it is for physical goods. Learning the above skills will take time for most of us, but this in itself presents opportunities to learn. Every failure and setback gives an opening to address a blind spot and to better your chances at long-term success. Remember, the steps you take don’t need to be big, they just need to take you in the right direction.



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Marcus Harmon poker author
Written By.

Marcus Harmon

Marcus Harmon is a poker writer and editor of Sunshine Poker Rooms, a poker news and information source. With a decade of experience in the online gaming industry, Marcus has been lucky enough to have met and indeed been beaten by some of the great players. His other passions are soccer and travel.

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