Test Your HUD Statistics Knowledge

By Sky Matsuhashi
September 02, 2021

I love quizzes!

Quizzes test my knowledge and at the same time they access my competitive side… Gimme that perfect 100%!

So, I make sure to thoroughly read each question and each answer so that I select the right one every time.

I just released a new Quiz for members of my training site, The quiz is called “HUD Statistics Quiz 1” and it tests your knowledge of various preflop and post-flop HUD statistics. It’s one of many quizzes in the HUD Mastery Course.

You don’t even have to be a HUD user to ace this quiz. Just use a little critical thinking and put yourself inside each situation and against the types of players described.

Here’s the deal: test your knowledge first by taking the quiz, THEN scroll further down to see the correct answers along with the strategies behind each one.

Good luck!

I hope you enjoyed the quiz.

You can retake the quiz as you go through the answers below to help you understand the correct answers and the strategies involved.

The Correct Answers with Explanations

  1. VPIP stands for Voluntarily Put $ In the Pot and is defined as the “Percentage of the time that a player voluntarily contributed money to the pot, given that he had a chance to do so.”
  2. Loose with a 35% VPIP. If they play 35% of hands on average across all positions, their average range looks like this:

35% VPIP range

  1. Isolate them with a range stronger (smaller) than theirs. This gives you an automatic mathematical edge against them.
  2. 3-bet Preflop means you make the second raise preflop (the big blind is the first bet, then someone makes the first raise, then a 3-bet is the second raise).
  3. Yes, 2% 3-bet indicates an honest 3-bettor. A 2% 3-bet might only be JJ+ and AKs.
  4. Fold to Flop C-bet refers to situations where a player calls preflop, faces a c-bet then folds. It is defined as “Percentage of the time that a player folds to a flop bet, given that the bettor was the last raiser preflop.”
  5. Yes, you should almost always bluff someone who is folding 84% of the time in that spot (more than 8/10).
  6. Plan to double-barrel bluff players who call a lot on the flop only to fold on the turn (the increase in Fold to C-bet from the flop to the turn indicates this).
  7. The BB is a great target because he calls on average 42% of the time. His calling range might look like this:

42% calling range

  1. The SB is the player to watch out for before open-raising because “the 3bet is the bane of 2-bets”. If you can see it coming by knowing who is capable of 3betting as a bluff, you can plan and react accordingly.
  2. PFR stands for Preflop Raise and it’s defined as “Percentage of the time that a player put in any raise preflop, given that he had the chance to do so.”
  3. Raise First In in the CO over a good sample will indicate their range. This is exactly the stat you want to look at because it matches the situation exactly.
  4. PF 3-bet in the CO vs an EP Open matches the situation exactly, so it’s the best stat to give you the idea of his range and if he’s capable of bluffing (look for 3-bet > 6%).
  5. His Raise C-bet from out of position at 24% indicates a potential bluffer because most people only check-raise for value, so their stat might be only 5%.
  6. AF or Aggression Factor is calculated by the total number of bets and raises divided by the number of calls. At an AF of 2, that player makes 2 bets or raises for every call they make (generally an aggressive player).
  7. A River AF = .5 indicates an honest river bettor or raiser. Less than 1 is a non-aggressive player (.5 might be 1 bet or raise for every 2 calls), so you can believe their bets and raises.

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Sky Matsuhashi poker author
Written By.

Sky Matsuhashi

Sky Matsuhashi is the creator of the Smart Poker Study Podcast. He has authored 4 poker books including ‘How to Study Poker Volumes 1 & 2’, ‘Preflop Online Poker’ and ‘Post-flop Online Poker’. As a poker coach, Sky is dedicated to helping his students play more effectively, earn more money and be 1% better every […]

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