With so much of our day-to-day lives and routines now forcibly shuttered and altered as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, I believe it’s critical in these uncertain and challenging times to maintain as much normalcy as possible for the sake of retaining our mental health. For me, from a professional standpoint, that means redoubling my ongoing commitment to producing and publishing poker articles that you’ll all hopefully enjoy, be entertained by, and learn from.
There are many folks in the poker industry, freelancers in particular, who have suddenly found themselves out of work and are thus looking for ways to keep generating income. I would very much like to be able to
help some of them out and offer more opportunities to do paid writing for this website. With that said, Cardplayer Lifestyle cannot do so without sufficient revenues coming in.
I’ve had the good fortune of running this digital poker media outlet for over a decade now and I’ve always paid my contributing writers fairly and quickly (two seemingly minor points, but ones I’m exceptionally proud of as a business owner). Our content has always been — and always will be — 100% FREE to access and consume. Naturally, however, it takes funding to get our content produced (when I’m not doing the writing myself).
As such, I would like to make a pair of direct appeals, as follows:
An Appeal To Poker Companies
If you’re looking to grow your business, sell more of your product, expand your branding efforts, promote an online poker series, or frankly just want to do something to help out people in the poker media side of the industry, please consider utilizing some of your marketing budget to support our content generation efforts in the coming weeks.
By doing so, you would be advertising your brand/product while simultaneously enabling me to give work to available freelancers.
If you’re interested, please get in touch: [email protected]
Please also note that I’m publicly committing to donating 10% of any revenue derived through sponsorship deals from now until the end of April to the Save a Child’s Heart charitable foundation.
An Appeal To Our Fans
Many of you poker lovers out there may have noticed that I’ve been doing a little bit more promotion than usual of poker training sites lately on social media. These are products that I genuinely believe can help you become better poker players. I’ve personally taken many of the courses, have learned from them, and have seen improved results in my own game. It’s for this reason that I’m a proud affiliate for numerous poker coaching/training companies.
Over the last couple years, we’ve published comprehensive reviews of numerous such poker courses. We do our best to give you all the information you need to make an informed decision as to whether a particular course is the right fit for you.
As such, if you want to use this “off time” from poker play to get in the lab and improve your game, please read our reviews before making your purchases. If you do end up enrolling in one of the courses, please know that you have my personal gratitude for helping to support the work we do here at Cardplayer Lifestyle.
Keeping Poker Afloat
To be crystal clear, this is not a cash grab. To be sure, of course I want this business to flourish and I have a family of my own to help support, but I’ve decided to come right out and make these direct appeals to you all specifically with three short-term goals in mind:
- I want to be able to offer more poker writing work to freelancers seeking it.
- I want to be able to increase this site’s publishing output for the benefit of the poker audience.
- There are a number of individuals and entities in the poker world who’ve publicly expressed a desire to help or do something positive in this time of crisis. If that person/entity is you, I wanted to give you another potential avenue via which to do so with the added benefit of marketing exposure.
Thank you all for taking the time to read this.
Stay strong and stay positive, folks, because that, too, is contagious.