14th Annual Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation Charity Poker Tournament Set to Run on February 9 at Faded Spade Virtual Poker

By Hill Kerby
January 31, 2022

After its first successful online campaign in 2021, the Children’s Cardiomyopathy Foundation (CCF) will be hosting its 14th Annual Night for a Cure Charity Poker Tournament for the second straight year at the virtual felt of the Faded Spade Virtual Poker The tournament will run on Wednesday, February 9 at 7 p.m. ET, with the CCF allowing contestants to reserve their seats ahead of time.

Night for a Cure

Players who participate in this special event are not only guaranteed a winning outcome in supporting children with cardiomyopathy, but will also have the opportunity to compete for final table prizes, up to and including a $10,000 World Series of Poker (WSOP) Main Event seat good for this upcoming summer.

In addition, the charity tournament will be live streamed on Faded Spade’s Twitch Channel, where it will be hosted by Alec Rome. Alec is a talented live stream host with experience hosting and producing a variety of poker live stream programs. He is also a World Series of Poker photographer and reporter and poker brand broadcaster.

Alec will be joined by special guest Jaman Burton, a popular mid-stakes cash game player and an influential poker vlogger with his “The Drawing Dead” vlog. Jaman is also a computer scientist, successful corporate leader and sought-after speaker on poker, business and the computer science discipline.

About the Event

The CCF charity poker tournament has been one of the largest and most consistent fundraisers for the charity for over a decade. The tournament features a rebuy/addon format with players able to buy into the event for a $400 donation. Pre-event rebuys are also available for $200 apiece for anybody who wishes to increase their donation ahead of time.

Additional sponsorship opportunities are also available, starting at $600 for the King of Hearts Sponsor, which includes a commitment to one buy-in and one rebuy to the event. Other sponsorship packages include the Ace of Hearts Sponsor ($1,200), Full House Sponsor ($2,500), and Royal Flush Sponsor ($5,000), which sponsors 10 players with rebuys.

“CCF is excited to work with Faded Spade again on successful virtual poker tournament–our 14th annual Night for a Cure. Last year over $115,000 was raised with 140 attendees from across the United States. We hope to raise even more this year to continue supporting families affected by this chronic and potentially life-threatening heart condition, ” said Susan Hepworth, CCF Executive Director.

Additional information can be found at the CCF’s Event Page, and those may be unable to participate but still wish to donate may still do so by clicking here.

About the Charity

CCF is a national non-profit organization focused on pediatric cardiomyopathy, a chronic and potentially life-threatening heart disease. It is the leading causes of both heart transplants and sudden cardiac arrest in children. Despite this, not much is known about the disease.

Since 2002, CCF has been actively involved in providing information on the disease, funding research studies, developing educational materials, and offering support to affected families. CCF envisions a future where more lives are saved and children affected by cardiomyopathy are able to experience a better quality of life.

To learn more about pediatric cardiomyopathy and CCF’s programs and services, please visit CCF’s website. The Foundation welcomes donations and volunteers to help further their cause.



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Hill Kerby poker author
Written By.

Hill Kerby

Hill Kerby grew up with a deck of cards always within reach at his parents’ homes, and was one of the millions to get seriously into the game in 2003 thanks to Chris Moneymaker. He primarily played online until Black Friday in 2011, when he moved away from the game temporarily to finish school. Hill […]

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