3 Tips to Keep Costs Down on Your Next Poker Vacation

Summer is just around the corner and that means it’s vacation time. Now is when many recreational poker players hope to head to a destination like Las Vegas, Atlantic City, or another poker Mecca, where they can spend a lot of time at the felt as well as enjoy some much-needed rest and relaxation. With today’s economy what it is, however, it’s never been more important to keep track of your overhead and ensure that you’re getting the best possible deals on and during your getaway. Here, then, are 3 great tips to keep costs down as you plan your upcoming poker vacation.

Total Rewards Membership Card

1. Save Money with Your Casino Player’s Card

Player’s cards can get you a number of money-saving benefits that you might not even be aware of. For starters, they may entitle you to a discounted poker room rate, or possibly even a free room. Another casino membership benefit that I discovered on my last poker vacation was free early hotel room check-in. It also goes without saying that you should present your player’s card at the poker table while playing, as it could earn you anywhere from $1–$3 in poker comp dollars per hour depending on the poker room promotion and the stakes you’re playing for. This money, in turn, could be used to pay for meals, merchandise, shows, towards your hotel bill, or other things you’ll spend money on while at the casino. Maximize the benefits of your Player’s card to the fullest to save on money you’d otherwise have to spend out of pocket during your poker vacation.

bravo poker live2. Use the Bravo Live Poker App

Time is money and you’ve only got a limited amount of time while on your poker vacation. Instead of “wasting time” heading to poker rooms only to discover once you get there that no games are running, nobody’s playing at your stakes level, or that the waiting lists are insanely long, use the Bravo Live Poker App (available in the Play Store or App Store) to check all these things out in advance in real time. That way you could select potential alternatives and save time by heading straight to a poker room and grabbing a seat at your chosen game. That time could very well mean more money in your pockets if you generally play profitable poker.

poker rake3. Always Ask for Rake Reductions When Playing Poker Shorthanded

It’s hard enough to beat other players at the table, but it’s that much harder to do so as well as beat the poker room’s rake. One way to overcome this is by constantly being aware that you can ask for a half rake when play is shorthanded (6 players or less at the table).  You’ll almost always be granted the half rake but you’ve got to ask for it. You even have to ask for half rake a second time if the game fills up then empties out again. An extra couple bucks that would’ve been raked each hand can really add up to big savings after a while.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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