Bernard Lee and Family Mark 9th Annual Holiday Charity Drive

By Robbie Strazynski
December 22, 2019

Much like in poker, exhibiting consistency in most areas of life will often lead to great results over time. For 9 years now, poker personality Bernard Lee and his family have gotten into the holiday spirit and have collectively donated over $100,000 to needy families and children in his Boston-area neighborhood. Never content with “just” signing a check, the entire Lee family gets into the act, driving around the city’s greater metropolitan area weeks in advance to collect hundreds of items on needy children’s wish lists.

Bernard Lee family gifts

Bernard and his children, Noah and Maya with the collected gifts for distribution

This year’s holiday charity drive saw 37 families, 57 children among them, be the recipients of the Lee family’s generosity. Children received a litany of art supplies, toys, books, games, backpacks, and sporting equipment while mothers received winter coats and personalized duffel bags. Families with babies also received supplies of diapers and other essentials.

Much like winning at poker and continuing to see success in his media career, the feeling of giving back to the community never seems to get old to Bernard Lee. A proud family man, Bernard has always been grateful for his good fortune and having been able to provide for his family, and he’s always happy to be giving to others in need.

Bernard Lee gift giving

Working together with FamilyAid Boston and the One Step Closer Foundation, the Lees’ initiative — entitled The Full House Charity Program — saw them meet with parents and children from FamilyAid Boston’s Emergency Shelter program to distribute the holiday gift bags in person at The Great Hall at Codman Square Health Center in Boston, Massachusetts.

It’s charitable acts like these – not only donating money, but also extensive amounts time, thought, legwork, and overall effort in the weeks leading up to the holidays – that truly bring out the best in us. We commend Bernard Lee and his family for their noble efforts, are inspired by their ongoing commitment to helping those less fortunate, and wish him only the best as he continues being a beacon of generosity a kindness for many years to come.

Bernard Lee group photo

*Photo Credits: Kelly Cammerotta

About The One Step Closer Foundation

The One Step Closer Foundation is a non-profit, charitable organization whose main goal is to ease, as much as possible, the lives of those who suffer from Cerebral Palsy. Founded in 2007, The One Step Closer Foundation (OSCF) is a non-profit, charitable organization whose main goal is to impact the lives of those who suffer from cerebral palsy. The OSCF will, through various fundraising efforts, support existing groups, individuals, and research. For those already coping with cerebral palsy (CP), the OSCF strives to promote awareness and understanding of the disease through education programs, support groups and access to previously unknown research.  The OSCF will also direct funds to researchers seeking for medical advancements in treating and diagnosing CP. For more information, please visit

About FamilyAid Boston

FamilyAid Boston is the leading provider of solutions to family homelessness in Greater Boston, empowering parents and caregivers facing homelessness to secure and sustain housing and build strong foundations for their children’s futures. They serve over 1,500 parents and children each year through their homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, and housing support programs. The agency’s compassionate and resourceful staff work in partnership with parents to develop realistic, effective solutions that build on their families’ individual strengths and address their unique challenges.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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