Bernard Lee and Family Mark 10th Annual Holiday Charity Drive

By Robbie Strazynski
December 21, 2020

In a year where so much of what we take for granted has been thrown into disarray, and in which chaos seems to reign supreme, it’s reassuring and brightens one’s spirits to see that some of the most dependable forces for good and charitable giving continue unabated.

In years past we’ve written about how wonderful it is to witness veteran poker personality (and Cardplayer Lifestyle contributor) Bernard Lee — together with his family — step up and engage in the beautiful altruistic endeavor that is is annual Holiday Charity Drive. Even a pandemic couldn’t break the Lee family’s annual tradition of joining forces with FamilyAid Boston to provide personalized gift packages for dozens of families in his local area.

Bernard Lee holiday charity drive

Now in it’s 10th year, Lee’s charity drive was buoyed by fellow notable poker philanthropist Tana Karn, who’s company played a pivotal role as the primary sponsor.

Said Lee, “It has been a true privilege to give back during the past decade as the program has become a family tradition. Even though the world is suffering through this unprecedented pandemic this year, there was never a doubt that we would continue to help these families during the holiday season. I was so pleased that FamilyAid Boston worked closely with me to help make the necessary adjustments and make the 10th anniversary of The Full House Charity Program a success.”

What always impressed me the most about Bernard’s commitment to this annual tradition is giving is his personal investment of time into the endeavor. He and his children spend hours personally packing each customized gift package from the families’ personalized wish lists. This year’s gifts included winter clothing, books, toys, games, sports balls, and art supplies, as well as a stuffed animal for each of the 55 children  and a winter coat for each mother.

“I’m proud of the RunGood Family ambassadors for stepping up during these difficult times,” stated Karn. “Over the years, they have always answered the call to help Bernard and The Full House Charity Program. It’s been a challenging year for everyone. Giving families a Happy Holidays means so much more because of it.”

Over the past decade, the Lee family has provided over $100,000 worth of goods and gifts to approximately 400 families and 600 children in the Boston area. If that’s not a heartwarming thing to see continue this holiday season then I don’t know what is.

Bernard Lee holiday charity drive

About FamilyAid Boston

FamilyAid Boston is the leading provider of solutions to family homelessness in Greater Boston, empowering parents and caregivers facing homelessness to secure and sustain housing and build strong foundations for their children’s futures. They serve over 1,500 parents and children each year through their homelessness prevention, emergency shelter, and housing support programs. The agency’s compassionate and resourceful staff work in partnership with parents to develop realistic, effective solutions that build on their families’ individual strengths and address their unique challenges. For more information, please visit

About Run Good Gear is poker’s premier online-store for apparel. Their mission is to provide poker players with stylish and comfortable clothing for on and off the poker felt. The RunGood Poker Series captured back-to-back Global Poker Awards for Mid-Major Tour/Circuit of the Year in 2019 and 2020.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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