A Live Poker Map of the United States

Americans have always loved playing poker. Millions of Americans play poker in home games around the country every single day. Some regions of the United States, however, could be considered to be the hubs of the nation’s poker action, as they host the most bustling live poker rooms in the country. Here at Cardplayer Lifestyle, in cooperation with, we’ve put together A Live Poker Map of the United States. Have a look below and see what’s unique about your region of the country, as far as poker is concerned.

Live Poker Map of the United States

California and Nevada are the two strongest markets in America in terms of live poker. The Golden State and the Silver State are each littered with poker rooms, all across their landscapes. With California being the nation’s most populous state, it’s no surprise that its poker rooms are buzzing 24/7. To a slightly lesser extent, the same holds true of Nevada, Las Vegas in particular, which gets upwards of 40 million tourists per year.

Casting our eyes across to the East Coast, the Mid-Atlantic region of the U.S. is also a poker hotbed, as with two huge rooms in Connecticut, a strip of casinos on the Atlantic City seaboard, and some great poker rooms having recently popped up in Pennsylvania.

Florida, once the stereotypical retiree paradise, has been hopping with poker action for a couple years now, with fantastic poker rooms scattered all over the Sunshine State. Nearby, at the Gulf Coast, there’s also plenty of live poker to be found in the rooms of Louisiana and Mississippi.

The Chicago area and the Great Lakes region have plenty of live poker to be proud of as well, with the wind carrying poker players to some top Midwest poker rooms, a few of which carry the top-notch WSOP branding that sets them apart from other smaller poker rooms.

As you look deeper into the United States live poker landscape, you’ll also notice pockets of great poker action from Ohio to Oklahoma as well as from Denver to the D.C. area.

Live poker certainly has a strong presence in most areas of the U.S., from sea to shining sea. Be sure to stop by your nearest poker room next time you take a road trip – there’s nothing more patriotic than that!



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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