What’s new at Run It Once Training? | Fall 2020

By Robbie Strazynski
November 04, 2020

As part of our ongoing collaboration with Run It Once Training, we are pleased to share with you this comprehensive quarterly recap of their activities, new offerings, and latest promotions for Fall 2020. As always, there’s been plenty going on over at Run It Once Training headquarters. We hope you enjoy the latest quarterly update, and welcome your feedback on their latest developments.

Run It Once Fall

Free Video Offer for Cardplayer Lifestyle Readers

For the next seven days — exclusively for Cardplayer Lifestyle readers — you can access a brand new Essential video from Peter Clarke for free! The video reveals six cycles of failure that might be preventing you from reaching your poker goals in 2020. Peter shares specific advice on how you can change each of these detrimental patterns to escape the failure plaguing your game and get on the path to poker success. The video is relevant for all forms of poker and applicable for both live and online players. Check it out now!

Peter Clark RIO video

Procrastinate No More! Introducing: Vision Streak

All serious poker students have experienced bouts of procrastination when it comes to studying poker and actually taking the steps needed in order to improve our game. Run It Once has sought to improve on the monotony that can accompany working with solvers with the release of their newest addendum to its PLO software “Vision” with “Streak.”

Vision Streak RIO

Vision Streak works in conjunction with the Vision software and allows users to drill a variety of spots quickly and rapidly forcing you to choose the best option and counting correct guesses towards your overall score. The program begins with the raise first in strategy from all positions requiring certain scores before allowing you to proceed to more difficult areas of the game tree. High scores are shared among other members allowing for bragging rights for exceptionally lengthy streaks.

Throughout 12 different modules you’ll learn the foundations required for a successful GTO approach at the four-card tables. Each module is organized into the different positions you can find yourself in at a table and you can explore the correct answers with Vision’s intuitive learning modes for a deeper understanding.

Vision Streak is included in all Vision plans and enhances the software that was already one of the most powerful ways to improve your game. If you want to find out more about Vision and the new addition of Vision Streak, you can do so here.

Introducing Elite Q&A Calls

A few months back, Run It Once Training began offering an exclusive benefit to their Elite Members: Monthly Q&A Calls with some of the best players on the planet live on Zoom.

Back in August, we released a detailed article about these calls outlining the structure and benefits. In a nutshell, the Elite calls were launched as a way for Run It Once Training members to get in touch and communicate on a more personal level with the coaches on the site. Discussions have ranged from getting specific strategic tips in tough spots to discovering how pros climbed and worked their way to the top of the poker food chain.

Run It Once Monthly Elite Calls

Run It Once Training has held four calls featuring Sam Greenwood, Daniel Dvoress, Kevin Rabichow as well as pre-Black Friday nosebleed crusher (and now successful restaurant owner) Hac Dang. Elite members can not only participate live during the event but also get access to all previous Q&A sessions in a new section on the site.

If you want to check out the previous Elite Q&A calls and get ready for the next installment, all you need to do is upgrade your account now.

Kevin Rabichow: Crowned Heads-Up NLHE Legend

Towards the end of summer, Run It Once Poker launched the 2020 Legends Showdown inviting a mix of high stakes Heads-Up NL crushers as well as MTT high roller star Fedor ‘CrownUpGuy’ Holz to battle it out on the virtual felt. Over the course of nine matches, at stakes of €50/€100, players competed for spots in the semi-finals for the final showdown of the best of the best.

It was Fedor Holz, Pauli ‘Fiilismies’ Ayras, Bjorn ‘asianflushie’ Li as well as Run It Once Training Elite coach Kevin Rabichow who reserved their spots to battle for an additional €60,000 in prize money. In the semi-finals Fiilismies destroyed Holz, winning over $91,000 over the course of 1,500 hands. Rabichow matched the destruction with an impressive match in which he booked a win over asianflushie for almost $80,000.

Legends showdown RIO

With both finalists being well known in the high-stakes Heads Up NL pools there were lots of expectations for the big showdown, which was held as a 3-session match with 750 hands in each session. After some crazy ups and downs it was Kevin Rabichow who crossed the finish line with €10,796 in profits, capturing the €40,000 in prize money bringing his overall profit for the 2020 Legends Showdown to €144,000. Congratulations to Kevin for this great performance!

If you’re looking for insight on Kevin’s game and how he approaches HUNL, he has released over 135 training videos on the Run It Once Training Elite plan.

Run It Once Training Releases New Book: Poker Foundations

For the first time, a team of Run It Once pros combined forces to get their thoughts into one text in an effort to improve your game. Lead author Cory Mikesell is joined by Phil Galfond, Kevin Rabichow, and Tommy Angelo to build the foundation required for success at the tables with the release of Cory’s book Poker Foundations.

Want to start learning poker from the beginning the right way? Want to understand essential Game Theory concepts that pros love to discuss? Want to rise from the micro stakes and become a pro? Then you want Poker Foundations.

Most books for beginning and intermediate players teach tricks that are obsolete before the book is even complete. With Poker Foundations, you will learn the deepest poker truths which never age.

Cory Mikesall, Run It Once Training – Elite Pro

You can find out more about the book and even get a free sample chapter here.

Galfond Challenge: Can Kornuth Break Phil?

One month ago the Galfond Challenge finally returned after a brief hiatus with Chance Kornuth taking on Phil in his high stakes PLO challenge. After the once in a lifetime comeback of Phil in his first match against Venividi1993 and the dominant performance against ActionFreak, Phil was the clear favorite heading into the match in the eyes of the poker community. 

It seemed like everything was going as expected as the action saw Phil building an early lead of $280,000 after 4,800 hands. However, after a forced break due to difficulties with Chance reloading his busted account, the momentum drastically shifted and Chance struck back winning big in five consecutive sessions.

Phil Galfond Chance Kornuth

It’s now Phil who finds himself down $234,000. Things appear to be even more dire for him since, as the decided favorite, he is laying $1,000,000 to Chance’s $250,000 in a side bet that goes to the player up at the end of the match. You can follow all the action on the Run It Once Poker Twitch channel and if you want to track results make sure to check out the Run It Once Poker website.

Run It Once Poker: Announcing SNG Select

Just a few days ago Phil Galfond released one of the most exciting update posts since the launch of the site in February 2019: The upcoming addition of a new game type, SNG Select. These SNGs, which are just around the corner, aim to follow in the steps of previous policy and feature decisions at Run It Once Poker, as they take their own unique approach to tackling some of the problems that they see with current versions of SNGs. 

Unilaterally increasing the variance for players who enjoy it, while not doing so for the players who don’t, is a concept that I believe has the potential to do a lot of good for online poker.

Phil Galfond

As usual, Phil doesn’t just stop at announcing the new feature but gives first-hand insight into a lot of the reasoning that went into the new innovation and how all the decisions assure an exciting, but simultaneously fair and beatable poker experience. Curious to find out what Run It Once’s approach to one of the all-time favorite forms of poker will look like? Check out Phil’s post.

SNG Select RIO

One of the things that the Run It Once Poker team is most excited about is bringing on board the players who wanted to support Run It Once’s vision but couldn’t, at that point in time, find their main game on the site.

With this new offering, Phil Galfond and his team will welcome all of the Sit & Go players who have wanted to support them but haven’t had the option to move their volume over to Run It Once Poker yet.

Be sure to check out SNG Select for all of the latest updates so that you’ll know the moment that this new game mode goes live.

That’s all for now. This column will be back once again come winter, where we’ll continue updating you with the latest news, updates, and product releases that Run It Once Training has to offer.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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