5 Things Absent in Online Casinos That You Notice in Live Casinos

There are obviously many similarities between gambling online and in brick and mortar casinos. The variety of games and the ability to win big jackpots are perhaps the greatest commonalities between the two. Obviously, each person has their individual preferences as to whether they like wagering more in live casinos or online casinos, but there are undoubtedly some major differences between the two.

Perhaps inherently, the differences have to do with sensory experiences. In other words, no matter how great an online casino such as golden tiger casino might be, there are some sensory experiences that playing online just can’t replicate versus being in a physical gaming establishment.

5 senses


It’s a well-known legend that some of the finest casino resorts in the world pump in delightful smells to the air circulation in order to enhance the mood of patrons walking through the property. From having visited numerous casinos around the world, this certainly seems to be true in my opinion! Generally speaking, people who are experiencing pleasant smells tend to be in better moods, and perhaps by extension they may be more willing to gamble.

When you’re playing casino games online, you could be anywhere in the world with any manner of smells surrounding you. Let’s just leave it at that.


When you’re playing casino games online, you could very often be doing this within the comfort of your home, alone. Any sounds you might hear maybe the washing machine, the microwave, or some traffic outside. All the while, you’ll be doing your gaming on either your desktop or mobile device.

When you’re in a casino, by contrast, surrounded by other people, you’ll be surrounded by the sounds of people enjoying themselves and having a grand time. There’s nothing like the sounds you hear from someone fortunate enough to win big!


Chances are that if you are walking through a casino anywhere in the world, they will have multiple different restaurant and food ordering options available to you. When you’re on the go playing casino games on your mobile device, or at home, who knows what sort of food you might be eating? But you can be sure that the variety available to you, and the speed with which you can access it, will not be anywhere near what’s possible inside a brick and mortar casino.


Playing online usually means that you’re clicking a mouse or hitting strokes on a keyboard when doing your gaming. Online poker players are often nicknamed button clickers, for example.

When you’re playing casino games in a physical venue, table games especially, the sense of touch is highly active as you get to feel the cards and the wagering chips. At poker tables, for instance, you often see players – even beginners just learning how to play Texas Hold’em – with large stacks of chips used for betting and raising.


Unless you live in a big mansion or a palatial estate, there’s no chance that the place of your residence could possibly parallel the sites that you see in a casino resort. Sure, all manner of casino games are available to you on an online site, but a large casino with lots of square footage has all of those games, including slots, baccarat, blackjack, roulette, and more right in front of your eyes. Seeing all of those glittering lights is just not the same as making your wagers on a computer screen or your mobile device.



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Written By.

Robbie Strazynski

Robbie founded in 2009. A veteran member of the poker media corps, in addition to writing and video presenting, Robbie has hosted multiple poker podcasts over the years, including Top Pair, the Red Chip Poker Podcast, The Orbit, and the CardsChat Podcast. In 2019, Robbie translated the autobiography of Poker Hall of Famer Eli […]

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