The title of this post might inadvertently lead people to believe I’m going to be writing something up about Scotty Nguyen (if you don’t know what I mean, watch this). Sorry, but this poker blog post is actually about something far more personal. My wife and I are imminently expecting the arrival of our third child, a baby girl.
Needless to say, we’ve been doing a lot of baby-related things lately and, as is only natural, I’ve been having significantly less time to devote to poker-related things. As important as poker is to me on so many levels, it obviously plays second fiddle to my family life. Sure, a lot of you recreational poker players out there are single guys (and girls), but I’m sure there’s also a sizeable percentage of you who are family guys, like me. Now’s as good a time as any for me to take a step back and reflect on that.
Home Is Where the Heart Is – My Queen of Hearts
Thinking back to how much time I’ve dedicated to poker in my decade-long marriage, how can I be but thankful to my wife?
- I think of how many hundreds of hours I’ve spent stacking chips, pushing pots, clicking the mouse (back in the pre-Black Friday days); that’s a lot of time away from her that she let me pursue my hobby.
- I think of how she’s devoted countless hours of her own time helping me organize and run no less than half a dozen charity poker tournaments.
- I think of how much of my spare time on nights and weekends over these last three years that I’ve devoted to writing for and developing this poker website; and she’s been incredibly supportive throughout.
- I think of how she’s been cool with me going on poker vacations for days and even weeks at a time, handling the household on her own while I’m out having fun.
Miriam, you’re the queen of my heart. Thanks baby, for everything!